मास कम्युनिकेशन बी.ए.
Milledgeville, युनाइटेड स्टेट्स ऑफ अमेरिका
4 Years
पुरा समय
आवेदन की आखरी तारीक
आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि
सबसे पहले वाली तारिक
Jan 2025
ट्यूशन शुल्क
USD 46,410 / per year *
अध्ययन प्रारूप
परिसर में
* for Out-of-State students | $3754 USD for In State students
रणनीतिक संचार, डिजिटल मीडिया और पत्रकारिता के लिए दरवाजे खोलना
छात्र जनसंचार में एक बहुमुखी और विपणन योग्य पाठ्यक्रम से जुड़ते हैं। मास कम्युनिकेशन बीए प्रमुख छात्रों को मीडिया के व्यावहारिक और सैद्धांतिक अनुप्रयोगों में महारत हासिल करने के लिए जानकारी और मार्गदर्शन प्रदान करता है। मास कम्युनिकेशन प्रोग्राम में एक छात्र के रूप में, आप डिजिटल मीडिया, संपादन, प्रस्तुति, सामग्री निर्माण, उत्पादन, डेटा विश्लेषण, लिखित संचार और बहुत कुछ में कौशल विकसित करेंगे।
Key Benefits of this Degree
- मास कम्युनिकेशन के छात्रों को एक इंटर्नशिप और दो ऑन-कैंपस प्रैक्टिकम पूरा करना आवश्यक है। ये व्यावहारिक अनुभव छात्रों को मीडिया प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर असाधारण लेखन और कहानी कहने के कौशल हासिल करने के निरंतर अवसर प्रदान करते हैं।
- हमारे कार्यक्रम में एक छात्र के रूप में, आपके पास अत्याधुनिक टीवी और पॉडकास्ट स्टूडियो तक पहुंच होगी, साथ ही डीएसएलआर और मिररलेस कैमरे, गोप्रो और अन्य उपकरणों जैसे उपकरणों की जांच करने की क्षमता भी होगी।
- हमारे किसी छात्र मीडिया संगठन से जुड़कर अन्य छात्रों के साथ नेटवर्क बनाएं।
- कक्षाओं के अंदर और बाहर निरंतर मार्गदर्शन के लिए संकाय सदस्यों के साथ मिलकर काम करें। हमारे संकाय छात्रों को उनके अंतिम पोर्टफोलियो में भी सहायता करते हैं - जिससे छात्र अपने करियर के लिए तैयार हो सकें।
- मास कम्युनिकेशन प्रमुख छात्रों को डॉक्यूमेंट्री स्टडीज सर्टिफिकेट प्राप्त करके अपनी शिक्षा को अनुकूलित करने की भी अनुमति देता है, जो स्नातक की डिग्री के साथ प्रदान किया जाता है।
Core Areas A-E
Satisfactorily complete core Areas A-E, as listed in the Core Curriculum section of this catalog.
Mass Communication majors may take MATH 1401 in Area D and complete the remaining hours required in Area F with a 1000-4000 level elective.
Core Curriculum
Georgia College, in cooperation with other institutions of the University System of Georgia, has adopted a core curriculum to allow the transfer of credit from one University System institution to another without penalty to the student. The University System's core curriculum is comprised of five areas: Areas A - E.
Students successfully completing an Area A-E course at one University System institution will receive full credit in Areas A-E for the course upon transfer to another System institution, even if the area has not been completed, as long as the course is within the area hour limitations of either the sending institution or the receiving institution and the student does not change from a non-science major to a science major.
Georgia College's approved core curriculum courses for Areas A, B, C, D, and E are listed below. Courses not listed here are not approved for these areas.
In this section
- Area A: Communication Skills
- Area A2: Quantitative Skills
- Area B: Institutional Options
- Area C1: Humanities and Ethics
- Area C2: Fine Arts
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Non-Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Health Professions Majors
- Area E: Social Sciences
- Area F: Courses Appropriate to the Student's Major Field
Total Credit Hours: 42
Core Area F
Required Area F Courses
Satisfactorily complete each of the following courses:
- MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics
- MSCM 2201 Media Literacy
- MSCM 2205 Professional Media Writing
Total Credit Hours: 9
Foreign Language
Demonstrate competence in one foreign language at the level of the fourth university course (2002).
Two courses used to complete this requirement may be used in Area F. Other courses required to satisfy this requirement will count toward elective courses.
- FREN 1001 Intro French Language & Culture I
- FREN 1002 Intro French Language & Culture II
- FREN 2001 Interm French Language & Culture I
- FREN 2002 Interm French Language & Culture II
- ITAL 1001 Intro Ital Language & Culture I
- ITAL 1002 Intro Ital Language & Culture II
- ITAL 2001 Interm Ital Language & Culture I
- ITAL 2002 Interm Ital Language & Culture II
- GRMN 1001 Intro German Language & Culture I
- GRMN 1002 Intro German Language & Culture II
- GRMN 2001 Inter-German Language & Culture I
- GRMN 2002 Inter German Language & Culture II
- SPAN 1001 Intro Span Language & Culture I
- SPAN 1002 Intro Span Language & Culture II
- SPAN 2001 Interm Span Language & Culture I
- SPAN 2002 Interm Span Language & Culture II
Total Credit Hours: 6
Liberal Art Electives
Satisfactorily complete 3-9 hours from the following courses, as needed, to total 18 hours in Area F.
Any 1000-2000 level ARTS, ECON, ENGL, GEOG, HIST, IDST, MUSC, POLS, PSYC, RHET, SOCI, or THEA course
Total Credit Hours: 3-9
Major Requirements
Required Courses
Satisfactorily complete the following courses.
Two hours of MSCM 2930 and three hours of MSCM 4960 are required.
- MSCM 3306 MSCM Theory & Research
- MSCM 3300 Mass Media Law and Ethics
- MSCM 2930 Practicum
- MSCM 2930 Practicum
- MSCM 4960 Internship
- MSCM 4402 Senior Career Development
Total Credit Hours: 12
Satisfactorily complete 6 hours from the following courses:
- CBIS 3217 Business Publishing
- CBIS 3218 Web Design Tools
- 3000-4999 Any Upper Level ARTS, ENGL, RHET, MGMT, or MKTG course
Total Credit Hours: 6
Choose one of the following three concentrations:
- Strategic Communication Concentration (Advertising or Public Relations)
- Film, Television, and Audio Production
- Multimedia Journalism
Satisfactorily complete 12 hours from the skills courses in the chosen concentration. The first writing course must be completed with a C or better to move forward through the concentration and may be taken with MSCM 3306 Theory and Research. Students may take only two skills courses per semester.
Strategic Communication Concentration (Advertising or Public Relations Track)
- MSCM 3352 Writing for Advertising & PR
- MSCM 3351 Principles of PR & Advertising or MSCM 3343 Media Design
Advertising Track
- MSCM 3363 Current Issues in Advertising
- MSCM 3364 Advertising Planning & Buying
Public Relations Track
- MSCM 3353 Public Relations Planning
- MSCM 3361 Campaign Principles
Choose two of the following courses:
- MSCM 3323 Publication Editing
- MSCM 3326 Feature Writing
- MSCM 3345 Film & Television Production
- MSCM 3357 Preproduction
- MSCM 3360 Branding in Digital Media
- MSCM 3361 Campaign Principles
- MSCM 3362 Crisis Communication
- MSCM 3372 Critical Analysis of the Media
- MSCM 3373 Propaganda
- MSCM 3379 Media Around the World
- MSCM 4410 Newscast Production
Total Credit Hours: 18
Film, Television, and Audio Production Concentration
- MSCM 3318 Writing for Film & Television
- MSCM 3345 Film & Television Production
- MSCM 3346 Advanced Film & TV Production
Choose one of the following courses:
- MSCM 3311 Audio Production
- MSCM 3313 Introduction to Podcasting
- MSCM 3347 Multi-Camera Studio Production
Choose two of the following courses:
- MSCM 3335 History of Documentary
- MSCM 3343 Media Design
- MSCM 3350 Radio Operations
- MSCM 3356 University Media Service MSCM
- MSCM 3357 Preproduction
- MSCM 3360 Branding in Digital Media
- MSCM 3371 History Broadcasting/Dig Media
- MSCM 3373 Propaganda
- MSCM 3372 Critical Analysis of the Media
- MSCM 3374 FCC/Broadcast & Dig Media Reg
- MSCM 3375 Documentary Filmmaking
- MSCM 3378 Pitching for Multiple Screens
- MSCM 3379 Media Around the World
- MSCM 4410 Newscast Production
Total Credit Hours: 18
Multimedia Journalism Concentration
- MSCM 3365 Journalistic Writing/Reporting
- MSCM 3323 Publication Editing
- MSCM 3366 Advanced Writing & Reporting
- MSCM 3368 Multimedia Broadcast Jrnl or MSCM 3343 Media Design
Choose two of the following courses:
- MSCM 3301 History of American Journalism
- MSCM 3320 Media Management
- MSCM 3326 Feature Writing
- MSCM 3341 Media Interviewing & Listening
- MSCM 3343 Media Design
- MSCM 3360 Branding in Digital Media
- MSCM 3367 Non-fiction Storytelling
- MSCM 3371 History Broadcasting/Dig Media
- MSCM 3372 Critical Analysis of the Media
- MSCM 3374 FCC/Broadcast & Dig Media Reg
- MSCM 3376 Advocacy Journalism
- MSCM 3379 Media Around the World
- MSCM 4410 Newscast Production
Total Credit Hours: 18
Foreign Languageuage Requirement
Demonstrate competence in one foreign Languageuage at the level of the fourth university course (2002).
Total Credit Hours: 0-6
Senior Capstone
Satisfactorily complete the capstone course relevant to the chosen concentration:
- MSCM 4501 Strategic Campaigns Capstone (for Strategic Communication)
- MSCM 4502 Film TV Audio Prod Capstone (for Film, Television, and Audio Production)
- MSCM 4503 Enterprise Journalism Capstone (for Multimedia Journalism)
Total Credit Hours: 3
Total Credit Hours: 12-18
Additional Degree Requirements
Satisfactorily complete all graduation requirements listed in the academic policies section of this catalog.
Mass Communication majors are required to complete off-campus internships within a relative communication industry. At a minimum, students must have completed at least three of their four MSCM skills courses and one of two practicums before completing a 250-hour, for-credit internship. The maximum number of internship hours that may be applied toward a Mass Communication major is three. Internships must be completed at Georgia College and may not be completed while taking any other course.
Mass Communication majors must earn a C or better in all MSCM courses that count toward their major.
Students who are found guilty of misconduct at the university level, including but not limited to cheating or plagiarism, will not be allowed to remain in the major.
Total Credit Hours: 120
कैरियर के अवसर
The breadth and depth of knowledge gained will prepare graduates for a variety of career paths:
- Public Relations Director
- विज्ञापन बिक्री
- Editor
- Journalist
- Photographer
- Reporter
- रेडियो होस्ट
- Script Writer
- Publisher
- टेलीविजन एंकर
- Graphic Designer
- Copywriter
- समाचार मीडिया निदेशक
- Web Content Specialist
- Marketing Specialist
- Consultant
- डिजिटल संपादक
- Event Planner
- Fundraiser
- Speech Writer
- स्पोर्ट्सकास्टर
- Videographer
- Information Specialist
- Human Resources Manager
- मल्टीमीडिया लेखक
- Producer
- Public Affairs Specialist
- Campaign Manager
- Technical Writer
- सफर लेखक
- Travel Agent
- Advertising Executive
- Film Producer
English Language Requirements
डुओलिंगो अंग्रेज़ी टेस्ट के साथ अपनी अंग्रेज़ी दक्षता प्रमाणित करें! DET दुनिया भर के 4,000 से अधिक विश्वविद्यालयों (जैसे यह) द्वारा स्वीकृत एक सुविधाजनक, तेज़ और सस्ती ऑनलाइन अंग्रेजी परीक्षा है।